At the fifth anniversary of the UK exiting the EU referendum, a.k.a brexit, an academic meeting was held in the Iranian Institute for European & American Studies (Iran-Eurica) on June, 23rd, 2021 at 07.30-9.30 a.m. GMT.
This online meeting was divided it three parts, and academics, students and experts attended the meeting. Dr. Jamie Gaskarth, Birmingham University Professor and Mohammedreza Saidababdi University of Tehran Professor gave speech to this webinar.
At debut, Fatemeh Farivar, the meeting moderator and UK Program Expert gave an introductory speech on the Global Britain in a Competitive Age.
Then, Dr. Gaskarth, author of several books about British Foreign Policy talked about the chronology of traditions and major variable of the British Foreign Policy, including pragmatism, multilateralism and balance of power.
In the second session, Dr. Saidabadi pictured the UK’s Position in Multilateralism System and Post-Cold War Era and mentioned the impact of world order changes on the British Foreign Policy.
The third session continued as Dr. Seyyed Javad Hashemi, Iran-Eurica Deputy Director for Research, gave a talk on the Difference between the British and the American views on New Security Issues such as the role of China in World Order.
The very last part of the meeting was Q&A and the audeience asked their inquiries about Iran-UK relationship and the British Foreign Policy in the region. The speakers of the meeting answered the questions accordingly.
To take away from this meeting it can be concluded that Britain’s foreign policy in post-brexit era is a combination of independent policy along with multilateral partnership within the framework of the institutions and coalitions like NATO, G7 and E3.