On Sunday Aug. 8th, Iranian Institute of European and American Studies (Iran-Eurica) hosted Mr. Denis Moncada, Nicaraguan Foreign Minister and the allegation, including Mr. Isaac Lenin Bravo, ambassador of Nicaragua in Tehran and health minister deputy of Nicaragua.
Mr. Moncada mentioned the capacity of talks between Iranian and Nicaraguan institutes, political societies and elites as a key point in expansion of relations between the two states. Iran-Eurica, in his words, can play a crucial role on this path. Also, he focused on similarities of the two countries in that their economies can be completing one another, and shaping mutual economic advantages.
He later on continued that Nicaragua is not only focused on the region of Central America, but is seeking for more partners and allies internationally, and Iran can be an important one.
The very last part of this session was inquiries from political experts of Iran-Eurica regarding and considering the most significant aspects of cooperation, which were discussed with Mr. Moncada and the Nicaraguan allegation.
The meeting closed by Mr. Moncada’s gratitude of Iranian Institute of European and American Studies (Iran-Eurica) for the meeting and invitation and he hoped for future cooperation between Nicaraguan and Iranian institutes.