Mediterranean Foundation of Strategic Studies (FMES) and Iranian Institute for European & American Studies (Iran-Eurica) presented a joint webinar on “Maritime Security; European and Iranian Perspectives.” The session was held on May 30th, 2022 via ZOOM and the experts shared their views on the aforementioned topic.

With the rise of great power competition and the emergence of new regional players, the world has recently witnessed an increase in maritime tensions and rivalries in naval capability building. These escalations of tension have at times disrupted trade flows via maritime routes and threatened peace and security in geostrategic regions like West Asia. This situation has led many countries to form or join coalitions and task forces; however, whether or not such attempts facilitate de-escalation or provoke further confrontations remains a question.

In this joint webinar, panelists discussed mainly on:

  • the European and Iranian’s overall view of international maritime security;
  • the perceptions of each side on the other’s role in maintaining maritime security;
  • Iranian and European interests and concerns in key strategic areas of maritime security, in particular the Persian Gulf.

French experts concentrated on the impact of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s maritime security expansion through the Red and Mediterranean Seas, as well as the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz. They also believed that the Europeans, the French in particular, lost interest in the energy sources of the Persian Gulf, but grew enthusiasm for the development of economical ties with the region.
In addition, Iranian experts recognized the political and legal right of the Islamic Republic of Iran to react to any security risk, threatening Tehran’s interests in the Persian Gulf.

This event was hosted by Pierre Razoux, the Academic and Research Director of the Mediterranean Foundation of Strategic Studies, and ended with the honorary presentation of Mr. Pascal Ausseur, director general at the FMES.

PIERRE RAZOUX, the Academic and Research Director of the FMES
FATEMEH FARIVAR, the Deputy Director of Research at Iran-Eurica
MOHSEN HADIAN, Iran-Eurica’s Researcher at US Program;
JEAN-MICHEL MARTINET, Rear-Admiral and Expert in Maritime Security and International Relations;
KHADIJAH HOJATI, Iran-Eurica Researcher at European Program;
JEAN-FRANCOIS PELLIARD, Advising Fellow at FMES and Former Member of the French Navy’s Training System;
ABDOLRASOOL DIVSALLAR, Non-resident Research Fellow at Middle-East Institute’s Iran Program and Expert on Iran’s Security Policy.

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