Professor John Mersheimer, the American theorist who was lecturing in Tehran at the invitation of Iran-Eurica institute, gave a lecture on “the Desirable Order of West Asia from the US Point of View” on Saturday evening, September 18th, 2017 in Iran-Eurica Institute.

The main issues raised by him in this event, which was accompanied by guests from Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, university professors, diplomats and researchers were as follows:

  • The United States had previously focused on Europe, Northeast Asia and the Persian Gulf, respectively. Later, however, this trend has changed to East Asia, the Persian Gulf and Europe.
  • The rising power of China in the past decade posed a threat to the US strategies, and this will continue for the next three decades. So, the US has taken this rivalry seriously. The US-China Competition will raise tension, not only in the Far East, but also in the Persian Gulf.
  • During the post-war period until late 1960s, the United States relied on the power and influence of United Kingdom in the Middle East. The next decade belonged to Iran to maintain regional order. After the Islamic Revolution, a rapid reaction force was formed in the region. In recent years, in addition to deploying forces, the US has pursued a containment strategy toward Iran.
  • The United States is seeking to reduce its troops in the Persian Gulf region and resume Offshore Balancing. The United States currently has about 44,000 troops in the region, most of whom are in Kuwait with 15,000, Qatar with 10,000 and Bahrain with 7,000.
  • The Persian Gulf has long been of prime importance due to its crude oil reservoirs. Thus, Iran, Iraq and Kuwait have the highest priority for the United States.
  • The United States has failed to pursue its policies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya. In fact, it has faced its longest war ever in Afghanistan. Moreover, this has cost more than the Marshall Plan in this country so far.
  • If the Cold War continued between the United States and Russia, the US would not have entered Iraq. The Russians are seeking for betterment of their relations with the United States and do not see the continuation of the present arms race in their favor. Nevertheless, the US is discontent and angry with the way the Russians’ confronting some world crises.
  • The United States has failed to pursue its policies in response to the crises in the Middle East and North Africa, including the promotion of democracy in recent years, and this process has led to the escalation of terrorism, further destruction and increased suffering of the people in these regions.
  • Right now, the key allies of the United States in the region are Israel and Saudi Arabia.
  • Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians is similar to the way the apartheid regime of South Africa treated black Africans.
  • In the case of Europe, the United States pays more attention to France than any other state, as it advocates a more independent policy than any other European states. The Europeans have neither the ability nor the capability to enter the region.

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