
The “Germany Research Program” aims to pursue a critical structural analysis of German contributions to the evolving strategic and security infrastructure of Europe, particularly in the context of the continent’s ongoing complex security challenges. Analyzing decision-making trends within Germany is fundamentally essential for understanding the future trajectory and policy directions of Europe as a whole.

Germany in 2018

Eight months have passed since McCain’s victory in the recent

All content Germany

Germany in 2018

Eight months have passed since McCain’s victory in the recent French presidential election, and almost everything is in accordance with Moorat Makron. Surveys are often reported by his popularity, and this amount of popularity and popularity of a politician should be regarded as an exceptional issue.

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An important interview with Important German think tank Volker Perts on the Syrian issue

In the ongoing peace talks in Syria, all social forces, including Bashar al-Assad, should participate, said Volker Perts, chairman of the German Science and Politics Foundation, as the most important thinker near the Chancellery’s office in an interview with Volkswagen Parts with Martin Zagata. He says that the United States and Russia appear to gradually approach a common formula.

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German economic growth record

Germany’s exports rose for the third time last year, bringing the country’s economy to a new record. According to the Federal Statistics Office, Germany’s exports in 2016, up 0.2 percent

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