Opportunities and Challenges of the New French President in New Year …

Eight months have passed since McCain’s victory in the recent French presidential election, and almost everything is in accordance with Moorat Makron. Surveys are often reported by his popularity, and this amount of popularity and popularity of a politician should be regarded as an exceptional issue. At present, opposition parties do not adopt a strong position over the Macrone government: the Socialist party is declining. The Republicans also split over the issue of the election of Laurent Woucis, headed by the party. Not to say that Laurent Woucier has a significant winner for a nomination in the French presidential election of 2022, but has previously had to gain popularity among the general public in France. The National Front Party also has doubts about its leader’s ability, Marin Le Pen, and questions his managerial strategy. In addition, the “Inferior France” party is also waiting for a new breath. In Europe, Macron is known as the only powerful president with a project to revive the European Union. Although Angela Merkel was finally able to agree with the Social Democrats, but after the election and the erosion talks, her position was weakened to form a government. In Italy, the parliamentary elections will be held on March 4, 2018, although there are still doubts about the outcome of the election, but the European Union’s critical parties have a great chance to win the election. Theresa is confronted with numerous problems with the Berkshit talks. In the international space, Donald Trump is losing more and more of his time every day, and Putin is busy preparing the ground for a candidate in the upcoming Russian election. Only Jin Ping can be seen as the main rival of Macron, as China is determined to make changes in the management of the international community.

French and foreign media have always focused on Makron’s politics and personality, pursuing their effective, yet ineffective discourse and communication style with attraction mixed with dissatisfaction. Some scholars have surrendered to the gravity of Macron, but history has taught us that church members often preferred a rhetoric based on superficial sentiments instead of adopting a rational and critical discourse. In fact, Macron has been well utilized in this valuable asset, which Machiavell calls for rulers. The conditions prevailing in France and in the international arena during the electoral campaign provided McCain’s victory, and his luck is still his helper. In addition, Makron is well versed in taste and taste (another basic principle of Makayawl’s rule). In short, they have put together the hands of the young president to shine.

However, we should not forget that in Parliament there is a tension between a majority who has many views and tastes: between elected representatives from left-wing factions and right-wing representatives, between politically-minded representatives and with several periods of attendance In the parliament and a new civil society policy, there are conflicts between representatives of the people of Paris and elected representatives of the people of the other provinces of France. Young delegates believe that the era of their capabilities has come, while older delegates are demanding their experiences. The spectrum of Makron fans has also changed among different people. Left-handed voters do not have much in common with Macro’s current policies, while Macrone’s policies are becoming more and more popular on the right-wing parties every day. The recent survey by Counter Soufther’s Thinkers Institute [1] strongly suggests that a significant portion of French citizens approved the implementation of the first reform of the five-year Macro presidency. However, some reforms to the issue of immigrants, laity, retirement laws, or fertility technology, which was not previously operationalized due to the growing concern about the growing gap between the French population, is currently at the top of Macron’s government plans and may be Make changes to the spectrum of Macro fans. Several critical criticisms of some of France’s most prominent figures, including Laurent Berge, Tichiri Pesh, Jean Pissani-Frei, Jean-Francois Rial and Lionel Zinsou, ], The interior minister and the asylum and immigration bill are a clear example of this shift in attitude among Macron’s supporters. The government’s decision to waive the construction of the airport in the Noor-e-Jalal region has caused dissatisfaction with many parliamentarians, and even the appearance of local turmoil in the coming days is unlikely. The irrefutable economic growth generated by Macron’s government decisions is more and more evident every day. Yet, wealthy, educated, urban populations often benefit from economic reforms, and an important part of the low income sections of the French community (regardless of political affiliation To various parties) continue to have an indifferent and skeptical attitude towards the performance of the government. Among this group of people, there are some who have a hostile attitude toward the state, but still have not found a means to express it. This group of people has not accepted the people, politics, worldview and Makron’s approach as president. The deep-seated crisis of political distrust in France can not be ignored, and it seems that no solution can be found. The crisis is still pending among the weak and pessimistic sectors of the government. Because most people do not know and hear the pain of the hearts and the problems of this cortex, they do not understand, they disregard the concerns of the corps, and the signals and They do not lose sight of the disadvantaged except in an irregular and sudden way. An October poll poll conducted by ICOP in October 2017 showed that 57% of French people believed that Macron had adhered to its commitments during the electoral campaign. Nevertheless, 56% of the French have stated that they are not able to understand the politics of macronesis, to achieve It is worth noting that 59% of the employees, 69% of the workers, 59% of the employees, 56% of the workers, 70% of people with lower education than the diploma failed to understand a clear understanding of politics Acting on behalf of the Macro government. In other words, with the French sociologist Pierre Sansu, it can be said that the strata examined in this survey are the same poor people, however, the phrase “the president of the rich” can not give a precise description of Macron. “Ahead” faces many problems, and it must be politically motivated to foment the frustration of the French community in order to avoid the absence of this group in the presidential election of 2022 or their protest vote in favor of competitors. In fact, it is a big mistake to rely on the results of polls and apparent calmness in the country. It should not be forgotten that France is a strange country, and popular protests occur when nobody is waiting for it. The popular protests in 1968 were politically viable, and on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of many of these works, numerous conferences and discussions have been held. Although the popular protests in 2018 differ greatly from popular protests in 1968, one should not forget that the French nation is not predictable.

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