Writer: Fariba Ali Karami

The Global Implications Under Each Energy Policy Donald Tramp

۱) Environmental programs

The steps taken by Tramp around environmental programs, such as the abolition of the clean energy scheme and the withdrawal of the Paris accord, the removal of restrictions such as decarbonising … within the framework of the role of the United States in the global system, the role of other powers (Russia, China, India, Europe) and the importance of environmental issues In the current century, it is likely to have international implications, as the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Conference of the Climate could be viewed as a threat to the future of American power that would not only lead to the potential plunge into US industry as a partner in the development of global energy infrastructure, It keeps the United States away from energy talks, which itself marks a vacuum in global leadership with unknown geopolitical consequences and national security concerns.

The role of emerging competitors and their contribution to world power is influential. The statistics of carbon emissions between the three US, India and China and the process of talks around environmental issues show that the United States is lagging behind its rivals and this is a danger to maintaining leadership positions. In global equations, because global leadership, in addition to material resources, must have the intellectual and soft power, including participation in the solution of global problems and leadership in international negotiations. Therefore, by withdrawing from the environmental negotiations, the United States, its soft power in the international context as the hegemon of the international system In favor of powers And because India and China give them some kind of play, because the continuation of legitimacy in the global system requires a consensus with the great powers around the system’s major issues; today, environmental issues have become a crisis, as the United States, as it sees itself as The hegemony of the international system is responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security, including the fight against terrorism; neglecting environmental crises is a violation of the responsibility of the leadership which gradually reduces its legitimacy.

From the point of view of tramp, being biologically bound is a way to win China, because these restrictions cost the United States. For this reason, the withdrawal from the environmental restrictions is the return of capital to the United States and the withdrawal of free riding of other countries at the expense of the world’s administration for the United States. But this is a critique of China, which was responsible for global pollution in 2014, producing more than a quarter of carbon (about 33-40% of carbon emissions), higher than the United States and the European Union. It is currently moving much faster in reducing CO2 emissions than other countries, and is well ahead of 2030 in the path to reaching the goals of the Paris climate commitments. In China, in October and October 2016, many coal-fired power plants with a combined capacity greater than the entire British coal fleet were set aside and could record a global record of 0.5 percent by 0.2 percent.

The denial of the importance of climate through the Trump is a gift to the green industry in China because, given the role of renewable energy in infrastructure development in the future, neglecting clean energies, in the long run, weakens US economic power in proportion to the strength of China and India. China is rapidly moving away from the heavy industry in order to move its long-term transport into a low-carbon industry and a service-based economy, so many of its industrial capacities are needed to reduce CO2 emissions in iron and steel, chemicals and industrial building materials, all of which are in The national carbon trading system is limited, with unprecedented growth in the solar industry, the world’s undisputed leader in green jobs. China is also growing in renewable energy technology, which in the long run will boost its industry productivity.

This is the case if India and China are expanding economically and in fact environmental restrictions and renewable energy costs will hit hard economies in the short term. A study entitled “Real War on Coal in China” has shown that “the stringent and constrained rules of the Chinese government in disposing of steel lead to the firing of about 1.8 million employees, more than 15 percent of the workforce, followed by strikes and protests.” That’s why China’s transition to a low-carbon economy is neither easy nor cost-effective, but China believes that the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy will lead to long-term economic development by creating jobs in the renewable energy industries, ensuring economic values ​​and productivity, and developing infrastructure. Health and nutrition.

Tramp operations can also unify China and the European Union for climate-responsive responses, such as imposing a carbon price on imports, and setting a carbon tariff, which will itself damage the American economy. Europe has accepted the geostrategic benefits of renewable resources, such as increasing energy security as vulnerability to natural disasters, the threat of terrorism, and so on. Europe’s alignment with China and India in the direction of renewable energy can lead to a decline in Washington’s credibility.

Global security nowadays has a broader meaning of war and military operations; poverty, disease, pollution … are now at the heart of human dilemma, and climate and environmental negotiations, in addition to business benefits, also lead to the sustainability of the leadership of the system, and somehow The power of the United States is based on its security indicators. The climate talks are energy talks and energy talks are the national security talks. In this way, the withdrawal of America from the achievements of the Paris Conference and its passivity towards the international biotechnology of influence

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