When a part of an “DNA” of an animal or a complete genes of an animal is isolated and inserted into a set of genes (genomes) of another, the new, existing genetically manipulated entity is called.
The US government is the most important sponsor of genetically engineered products. Monsanto, Dapont, Bayer, Dow, Sinjenta, and B. ESFs are major sponsors of genetically engineered products, with the exception of the latter two (Switzerland and Germany) all in the United States.
Europe holds 21 percent of the market for biotechnology products and is leading the way. However, in the European Union, as well as in the laws of the United Kingdom, Germany and France, there is a great deal of sensitivity to the genetic products of living organisms, including humans, and a great deal of tolerance for commercial and agricultural products.
Europe’s Biotechnology Laws -1 Global Biotechnology Market [1]
The efforts of some radical groups such as the Green Peace to cite Article 23 and report the smallest losses from the cultivation or consumption of processed products were not successful; therefore, controversies focused on reforming the law and proposing a reform of the law to exclude the referral to scientific documentation in 2015 Became In accordance with the 2015Directive (EU) (2015/412), which added paragraph B to article 26 of the 2001 guidelines, Member States may not cultivate crops for reasons other than scientific and food safety reasons such as political and economic discretion and so on. . Some member states decided to refrain from cultivating crops, citing a new amendment. There is no ban on the use of trafficked products in the first place in any European country, and secondly, the political decision of the countries to stop cultivating is clear, and the reasons for non-cultivation of cultivated products are in the documents of the European Commission. European Commissioner for Disease and Food Safety Whitnis Andreacaytis insists that some countries do not wish to cultivate trafficked crops solely on the basis of public opinion, referring to it for political reasons, not expert opinions and scientific reasons. [2]
Laws & Regulations
Growth of people in biotechnology companies in Europe [3]
Laws of Biotechnology_Arpa-3
The number of biotechnology companies according to the European regions [4]
– European Union
According to the 2001 directive in the European Union, the production of tractable agricultural products and food products is permitted in all Member States, and the Member States can only ban the cessation of a specific incident on the basis of scientific evidence. In accordance with Article 23 of this Guideline, “Each Member State which, on the basis of new or additional scientific information on environmental risk assessment, explains in detail that a product that has been licensed in accordance with this Guideline in the European Union is for the protection of human health or the environment It is risky, it can limit or prohibit the sale or use of it in its territory. In this case, the member must provide reasons for his / her decision not to admit and to review the risk assessment. “Therefore, the biotechnology products are free to meet the requirements that will continue.
European laws on biotechnology and its requirements will continue:
– The EU has set up a legal framework to ensure that the development of modern biotechnology, and in particular (GMO), is carried out in a safe environment.
Legal framework Objective:
– Protect human and animal health and the environment before any GMO is placed on the market.
– Adopt harmonized approaches to hazard assessment and GMO licensing.
– Ensuring labeling of GMOs in the market for the benefit of consumers and experts (eg farmers and feed chain operators).
– Ensuring the traceability of GMOs in the market
۱٫ The Act 2001/18 / EC refers to the deliberate release of damage to the environment. The law requires the observance of environmental laws. This has generally led countries to comply with environmental regulations.
( … TXT /? uri = CELEX: 32001L0018)
۲٫ The Law of Regulation (EC) 1829/2003, the Food and Drug Administration, which has two important provisions
– No harm to the general health of humans and animals
– Having a tagged product
( … ALL /? uri = CELEX: 32003R1829)
۳٫ The so-called irective (EU) Act 2015/412, amended by Directive 2001/18 / EC, concerning the granting of rights to member states regarding the possibility and the right to prohibit or permit the production of trafficked products in the country concerned
( … TXT /? uri = CELEX: 32015L0412)
۴٫ The Law of Regulation (EC) 1830/2003 on Food and Drinking-Edible Food Laws – Labeling the Product Title
۵٫ The law called Regulation (EC) 1830/2003 regulates the use of genetically modified microorganisms
The law is about the dangers of genetically modified microorganisms, and the most important of these is that the producer country must place the competent authorities in the event of the consequences of its work and tacitly consent to them.
– England
The production and sale of genetically engineered organisms in England and Wales is permitted, subject to the authorization of the complex process, which is mainly carried out at the EU level [6].