At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Ahmadi Lumberky, research assistant at the Contemporary Abrar Institute, said that the success of the European Union’s major achievements in international regimes has been highlighted, while highlighting the reasons for Europe’s prospects and possible ways of addressing the issue of possible withdrawal. Since the union itself is shaped by transnational regimes, the issue of securing action is seen as an important step towards strengthening regimes and transnational mechanisms. He added: “Preserving the image of Europe, the modeling of action for other international engagements, the impact on regional stability in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, and most importantly, without being a substitute for Europe, is one of the key reasons for Europe.
Mr. Ahmadi Lefkorki, referring to the current situation and existing crises in Europe, has met the requirements that now require Europe to maintain. He highlighted the situation in Ukraine and the crises in eastern Europe, the issue of elections, the continuation of the euro crisis, the rise of populism and instability in established states, including Germany, as well as the degradation of European values and the wave of refugees, terrorism and hybrid threats. Given the many crises facing European governments, it seems that in the present situation, Europe does not have the capacity to face a new crisis in the Middle East, and that’s why it needs to be fulfilled.
In another part of his speech, Lefkourki paid tribute to European strategies. He argued that European policy had been in place to keep up to date by January 2018 and had tried to use all of its diplomatic tools in this area as much as possible. The second European strategy, which runs between January and 12 May, will be the mediation between Iran and the United States and, in other words, maintaining a level playing field with Iran. The third strategy of the United States, which is likely to be put in place after May, is a matter for action without America, in which case Europe must provide conditions that Iran can benefit from.
In the follow-up to the meeting, experts and experts criticized Mr. Ahmadi’s comments on his views on the role of the United States in the future, the Western policies to confront Iran on common issues between the United States and Europe regarding the missile capability and influence of our country in the Middle East as well as the role And Europe’s place in the Middle East.
The participants of the meeting in alphabetical order were:
– Behzad Ahmadi Lefourkhi, research assistant at the Contemporary Abrar Institute of Iran;
– Dr. Esmaeili, political scientist at the Institute of Contemporary Abrar Iran;
– Mr. Morteza Khansari, Director of the German Group of the Iran-Yorica Institute;
– Dr. Dr. Soleimani, political scientist, Research Center of the Majlis;
– Mr. Alikhani, university professor;
– Dr. Hossein Gharibi, Director of the European Union Institute for Iran-Yorica;
– Dr. Hamza Safavi, professor and faculty member of Tehran University;
– Mr. Alireza Mohammadi, an economics expert specializing in French affairs;
– Mr. Mahmoud Nourani, director of the content of the Iran-Yorica Institute;
– Dr. Dr. Hermesy, expert in the Expediency Council;
– Mr. Yaqoubi, State Department expert;
And a group of experts from the Iran-Yorica Institute.